
self-talk #2 🌛🌜

it hurts… and i don’t understand why.. it hurts… when you try to give all your love to just one man… and he took you too high.. then shunt you from the lights.. it hurts… to feel guilty in every things that you don’t understand.. it hurts.. you did it often.. effortlessly… ask me to leave you alone and i dont understand why.. it hurts so much then you come.. say you were sorry… and i took it for granted… and yes, you did it again, over and over again…… yes you did it again… and it just hurts.. so much… and so much more… and im start questioning…. do i just need to leave you alone? cause everytime you need time, you never come back… and im start questioning………. dont you know how i feel everytime you did it? do you really want to know… or you just dont care anyway…. do you really ever think about my feelings… it hurts… so much… it is. for the first time… i dont want to stand by in your side….. cause it’s way … too .. hurtful.. this weary heart, couldn’t save it anymore…

self-talk #1🌛🌜

it's like saying both yes and a no or chasing while drowning and the moment to love is to let go would it be a waste or not, perhaps you'll never know when constant denying is the thing you ever did once you know, you should've known better that constant pain on a tray why you hold it so tightly? --- at the end of the day can I thrust my weary heart into someone's hand? if a trust is the one that waters flowers well, it shouldn't bloom.

Picturesque Melodies (Lien's Healing Songs)

Prelude:  When people said "If you love somebody, gotta set them free", believe in me, it's not that easy peasy lemon squeezy hhh :). It's a long long process. Definitely a rollercoaster of feelings. The thoughts of so deeply falling for someone, sometimes, kinda hurt. You want to keep them all along beside you but what actually happened was that you pulled him way too rough. And the thought of needing space makes you out of this world. All you need is to stop walking, get some rest, breathe fine, try to find yourself, take some space, and..  "You've had enough, you've been walking too far, get some rests.. sleep well.." ---- Been so long since my last post, hello again, lately, I've been quite busy, 2019 was my healing time and it's still going. Musics literally helps me a lot, besides, I also rewatch some of my favorite movies such as Ghibli's movies, Les Miserables, etc. I am trying to find myself again now. I'm very g...

GATEAWAY: LOKATARA Music Festival 2018—Post Concert Depression

LOKATARA Music Festival (intagaram: @lokatarafest ) adalah festival musik tahunan yang diadakan oleh Lokatara. Sebagian besar lineups festival ini adalah musisi indie dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Tahun ini Lokatara Fest diselenggarain di Kuningan City Ballroom tanggal 23 November. Tiketnya sendiri range harganya mulai dari IDR 285.000—455.000. Final lineups tahun ini yaitu: Boy Pablo, Mellow Fellow, Rice Wine, Yung Heazy, Ardhito Pramono, Barefood, Dream Coterie, Horse Planet, Police Department, Mondo Gascaro, Pijar, Polka Wars, The Trees and The Wild.  Boy Pablo (Pas nanyi Limitado heu sedi aku tu) Part 1: Kesotoyan  Oke, gue akan cerita dari awal. Sebenernya, gue tau acara ini dari snapgram Wina (temen SMA gue). Entah ada angin apa tiba-tiba gua bales snapgram itu dan nge-Kuy-in Wina buat berangkat ke Lokatara Fest ini tanpa mencari tahu dulu siapa aja line up nya, tiketnya berapa, di mana dll. Setelah gua tersadar barulah gue ngecek ig nya Lokatara, dan...

Break my heart again.

(1) (2) part of Finneas' lyrics  -Break My Heart Again-. i'm still doing fine right now, keep walking, i will always lovqedjbe----------------

Another hectic week: APEL PNJ

Sebelumnya, aku mau kasi tau sedikit mengenai APEL (Akuntansi Peduli) PNJ 2018. Jadi APEL merupakan rangkaian kegiatan pengabdian mahasiswa jurusan akuntansi PNJ terhadap masyarakat. Rangkaiannya ada lima konten: Donor Darah, Khitanan Masal, Pengobatan Gratis (PG) , Bakti Sosial (Baksos), dan Go Green . Acaranya kita lakukan di berbagai tempat, yakni di GSG PNJ, Kampung Lio, Kampung Melati, dan RPTRA Muawwanah. Aku di sini jadi divisi acara go green , which is konten terakhir (penutup) di APEL 2018 ini. Alasannya sih ikut ya karena aku emang suka sama kegiatan sosial, dan selalu bermimpi untuk bisa jadi volunteer  suatu saat  nanti. Semoga ya.. Setelah lebih dari 3 bulan, akhirnya kita sampai ke rangkaian acara 3 konten terakhir, di mana acaranya ini ada di minggu yang sama. PG di hari Rabu, Baksos hari Kamis, dan Go Green hari Sabtu. WOW pinggang ku... ahahaha. Jadi selama seminggu itu aku bolak-balik dari Kutek-Kp. Melati-RPTRA. Ternyata dari Kutek ke Kp. Melati itu lumaya...

Music Playlist Set 2.0: Relax!

After a hectic week, finally I had a good rest. Here are some good songs to relax: Set 2.0: Relax! Beyond the Clouds (You'll Never Go To Heaven) Yang ini sih dengerinnya asik aja ahaha I'd Like To Walk Around Your Mind (Vashti Bunyan) "...You say you just want peace and to never hurt anyone, you see the end before the beginning has ever begun..." Please Never Fall In Love (ElliAN) "...Please just text me your goodbye..." I Adore You (Sandor) those words sound really cool for me and are better than "I Love You", i dont know why... haha lupakan. Three Small Words (Joolie) "...Three small words, I want you close and you know that hurts...." Best Part (Daniel Caesar feat. H.E.R) "...If you love me, want you say something?..." Lemonade (Jeremy Passion) Sebenernya sukanya yang di- cover  sama  Paul , sweet banget abisnya ya gusti. Terus di videonya Paul kena sinar matahari gitu kenapa ya ngel...