Picturesque Melodies (Lien's Healing Songs)

When people said "If you love somebody, gotta set them free", believe in me, it's not that easy peasy lemon squeezy hhh :). It's a long long process. Definitely a rollercoaster of feelings. The thoughts of so deeply falling for someone, sometimes, kinda hurt. You want to keep them all along beside you but what actually happened was that you pulled him way too rough. And the thought of needing space makes you out of this world. All you need is to stop walking, get some rest, breathe fine, try to find yourself, take some space, and.. 

"You've had enough, you've been walking too far, get some rests.. sleep well.."

Been so long since my last post, hello again, lately, I've been quite busy, 2019 was my healing time and it's still going. Musics literally helps me a lot, besides, I also rewatch some of my favorite movies such as Ghibli's movies, Les Miserables, etc. I am trying to find myself again now. I'm very grateful for my family & dearest homies who's always there when I call them up all night to get a full shot (hoho not really, soda is enough for me). 

I am kinda confused about what to write, so here's I packed some of my healing songs for you:

  • Kunto Aji's "Mantra-Mantra". This whole album is literally helped me out. My favorites are "Bungsu" or "Pilu Membiru". The line:

"Cukupkanlah, ikatanmu, relakanlah yang tak seharusnya untukmu.., sebelum kau menjaga, merawat, melindungi segala yang berarti, yang sebaiknya kau jaga adalah dirimu sendiri.." (Bungsu)

helped me breathe.. a lot. If you find a more soft version, try to listen "Sulung". Also:

"Tak ada yang seindah matamu, hanya rembulan. Tak ada yang selembut sikapmu, hanya lautan. Tak tergantikan, walau kita tak lagi saling menyapa" (Pilu Membiru)

That's literally how I feel about him. I am grateful that, in my life, once, I crossed his path. He is a wonderful person and I adore him so much. "Pilu Membiru" is a song that defines how my feelings for him and the whole situation in 2019. Thank you, Mas Kun, you're doing great. Thank you a lot.

  • John Mayer's "The Heart of Life"

It feels like someone's trying to calm you down & cheer you up while whispering such beautiful melodies & lyrics. John Mayer holds many of my anthem songs in life haha. 


  • Vira Talisa's "Walking Back Home"
"And now my heart's singing and tonight I'll be fine.. without you, I'm walking back home.."

Every time I walk back home, this song give a fluttery feeling in my heart, especially when the sun goes down. It gives me the feeling like I am completely over him.

  • Joe Hisaichi's "Merry-Go-Round of Life"
This is actually a theme song/soundtrack for Ghibli's "Howl's Moving Castle". This is originally composed by Joe Hisaichi but there are a lot of cover versions, one that I like is Grissini Project's. When I listen to this, it sounds kinda magical that your soul is wanting to dance.


  • Justin Hurwitz's "Planetarium"
"Planetarium" is an instrumental, orchestra, for "La La Land" soundtrack. IT DEFINITELY MAGICAL. You know, the scene when Mia & Seb floating in Griffith Observatory? That's my most favorite scene and the soundtrack is "Planetarium" which composed by Justing Hurwitz.

I used to listen to this with a dim light in my room, using earphones before I went sleep. Literally a picturesque melody you should listen at least once in your life.


Hoho this post might be too long so I just gonna stop here. Healing is.. a wonderful process.


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