Music Playlist Set 2.0: Relax!

After a hectic week, finally I had a good rest. Here are some good songs to relax:

Set 2.0: Relax!

Beyond the Clouds (You'll Never Go To Heaven)
Yang ini sih dengerinnya asik aja ahaha

I'd Like To Walk Around Your Mind (Vashti Bunyan)
"...You say you just want peace and to never hurt anyone, you see the end before the beginning has ever begun..."

Please Never Fall In Love (ElliAN)
"...Please just text me your goodbye..."

I Adore You (Sandor)
those words sound really cool for me and are better than "I Love You", i dont know why... haha lupakan.

Three Small Words (Joolie)
"...Three small words, I want you close and you know that hurts...."

Best Part (Daniel Caesar feat. H.E.R)
"...If you love me, want you say something?..."

Lemonade (Jeremy Passion)
Sebenernya sukanya yang di-cover sama Paul, sweet banget abisnya ya gusti. Terus di videonya Paul kena sinar matahari gitu kenapa ya ngeliatnya jadi inget ikan di pasar..

You Loved Me, You Killed Me (Odina)
"...Your fire burnt half of my soul, the other half I gave it to you. It rains but somehow your clothes don't get wet and I still can't blame you..."

If You're On The Water (The Saxophones)
Dengerin lagu ini sih sambil ngebayangin jalan pas sore bareng hmmm *uhuk-uhuk*. Kalau engga.. duduk berdua di coffee shop bandara malem-malam.. hmm apasih haha

3am (HONNE)
"...Where's your sense of belonging? We could be getting frisky girl, till three o'clock in the morning..."

ps: yuk yang mau tau lagu-lagu yang aku suka di youtube bisa liat di sini. :)


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